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File Will Not Upload Error


When trying to upload a file to the Exhibit Management portion of the virtual deposition platform, you may get a “File Will Not Upload” error.

Quick Take: Verify the document you are uploading is a .PDF, .PNG, .JPG, .XLXS, .DOCX, or .PPTX file.


  1. Check the file you are trying to upload to ensure it is a .PDF, .PNG, .JPG, .XLXS, .DOCX, or .PPTX file

    1. If the document you are attempting to upload is a large file size, try breaking it into two or more exhibit uploads

  2. Upload the new file to the Exhibit Management portion

To convert .DOC, .XLS or .PPT to their newer supported version, please see the following link: Converting to Newer File Types

If the file says it is unable to upload due to an error, it is due to an unsupported file type or a function inside the file that is incompatible with the platform.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.